Taking small steps can help strengthen your nutrition foundation. It can help you stay strong, have more energy, elevate your mood, think clearer, prevent or control illness, heal quicker, have less pain, and more! If you want more pep, take a NOURISH Step! Get started by viewing the NOURISH Step Monthly handouts - filled with fun activities, recipes and more!
Nutrient Rich Foods
Focus on color & variety!
Omega-3s & Healthy Fats
For your heart, body, & mind!
How food fuels & affects us.
Recipes & Meal Ideas
Simple and practical.
Increase Protein & Fiber
For muscle health, gut health, and blood sugar control.
Sugar & Sodium Awareness
Understand their impacts and alternatives for each.
To look, think, & feel great!
Click here or on the image below to learn more about taking a Nourish Step today!
Click here or on the image below for a printable action plan.
Nutrition is one component of aging well. Learn about other steps you can take and the 8 Dimensions Of Wellness from the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging.
Age Well | WIHA (wihealthyaging.org)
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less was developed by professionals from North Carolina State University and the NC Division of Public Health. Based on the theory of planned behavior, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is an online weight management program that uses strategies proven to work for weight loss and maintenance. Each lesson informs, empowers and motivates participants to live mindfully as they make choices about eating and physical activity. Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is delivered in an interactive real-time format with a live instructor. If you are 60 or older and a Wisconsin resident, contact Angie Sullivan at angela.sullivan@gwaar.org to see if this program if offered through your local Aging Unit.
The Extension StrongBodies Program is based on the StrongWomen Program that was created by Professors Miriam E. Nelson and Rebecca Seguin. StrongBodies will catalyze positive change in people of all ages to live stronger, healthier lives by providing knowledge, inspiration, access to programs, and ongoing support. This 11-week strength, balance and flexibility workshop also includes short nutrition lessons at the end of each session. Click here to find a program near you.
Stepping Up Your Nutrition class can provide practical tips to help you improve your nutrition and hydration status and reduce your risk of falls. Learn more or locate upcoming classes here.
If you are interested in becoming trained as a Stepping Up Your Nutrition leader, please contact Pam VanKampen Pam.VanKampen@gwaar.org
Malnutrition prevention and resources: If you feel that you or someone you care for may be at risk for becoming malnourished; learn more at https://www.nutritioncare.org/YOURNUTRITION/ and talk with your healthcare provider. If malnutrition has affected you, a loved one, or someone you care for, Please share your stories.
Nutrition Education and other resources, including activity programs can be found here.
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