Transit assistance programs

Public transit continues to play an important role in the state and local transportation scene. Wisconsin’s  81 public transit systems in both urban and rural areas rank among the nation’s best in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, connecting thousands of state residents to jobs, schools and other destinations.

According to a 2015 statewide public transit passenger survey, approximately 55% of Wisconsin transit riders are headed to work, 14% to school, 20% to shopping, tourism or recreational destinations, and 11% to health care destinations.​

The following state and federal funding programs can assist local governments and transit systems with operating and/or capital expenses to support public transit services such as buses, vans and shared-ride taxi systems.​

Public transit

Bus and Bus Facilities Program

A federally-funded formula and discretionary capital grant program providing capital funding to public transit systems to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities.

Federal Formula Grant Program for Rural Areas

Supports capital and operating expenses for public transit services that are scheduled for and operated in non-urbanized areas (population under 50,000)

Federal Formula Grant Program for Urbanized Areas

A federally-funded grant program that assists transit systems in urban areas (population over 50,000) with operating expenditures

Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)

Allocates federal funds to further the development of skills and abilities for persons involved in providing transit services to rural and small urban areas.

State Urban Mass Transit Operating Assistance

Assists transit systems with operating costs. Eligible applicants include municipalities with populations greater than 2,500 including counties, municipalities and towns – along with transit or transportation commissions or authorities. Eligible public transit services include bus, shared-ride taxicab, rail or other conveyance either publicly or privately owned.

Statewide Transit Planning Grant Program

Provides federal funds to eligible organizations to finance studies and plans related to the provision of public or specialized transit service.

Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program (WETAP)

Improving transportation services can improve the economic outcomes among workers throughout the state of Wisconsin. An effort to connect low-income workers with jobs through enhanced local transportation services, WETAP integrates local, state and federal funding into a single program and award process administered by WisDOT. WETAP grant funding is available to non-profit agencies.

Specialized transit

The goal of WisDOT’s Specialized Transit programs are to provide additional aid to overcome barriers that seniors (aged 65 years or older) and Americans with disabilities face in seeking full participation in society and fundamental community services. The program seeks to expand mobility options to people with disabilities beyond the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals who are transportation-disadvantaged face different challenges in accessing services whether they live in urban, rural, or suburban areas. Additionally, the geographic dispersion of transportation-disadvantaged populations creates challenges for human service programs hoping to deliver transportation for their clients.

The following programs can assist local governments and private non-profits with operating and/or capital expenses to support the transportation needs of seniors (aged 65 years or older) and individuals with a physical or mental disability,

County Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance

Provides counties with financial assistance to provide transportation services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. Eligible applicants are county public bodies only.

Tribal Transportation for Elders

Provides tribes with financial assistance to deliver transportation services to tribal elders. Eligible applicants are federally recognized tribes only.

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program

Utilizes federal and state funds to provide capital and operating assistance to serve seniors and individuals with disabilities. Eligible applicants include private, non-profit organizations and local public groups.  Eligible projects include the purchase of accessible Human Service Vehicles, operating budgets, Mobility Management and non-vehicle capital.

Mobility management

Mobility management is an innovative approach for managing and delivering coordinated transportation services to customers, including older adults, people with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes.

Transportation Coordination

Provides more rides to more consumers through cooperation, comm​unication, and sharing resources.  Transportation coordination is a process where human service agencies, transportation providers, consumer groups, and public officials work together to develop and improve services for transportation disadvantaged individuals by ensuring that transportation resources funded by different programs are coordinated.