SHIP: Medicare Counseling for Wisconsin Residents
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
If you’re a
SHIP counselors are screened, trained, and certified. They provide one-on-one, confidential Medicare guidance based on your needs.
They can help with Medicare:
- Costs.
- Eligibility.
- Enrollment.
- Plan options.
- Programs that can lower costs.
The services SHIP provides are free. SHIP counselors don’t sell anything and aren’t paid by a company or plan. The program is funded through a grant from the federal Administration for Community Living.
Where can I find a SHIP counselor?
You can connect with a SHIP counselor over the phone or in person.
Over the phone
- The Medigap
Helpline (800-242-1060, )—a toll-free helpline run by the Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long-TermCare that provides counseling to Medicare members. Counseling topics include:- Employer-based health insurance
- Long-term care insurance
- Medicare Advantage
plans - Medicare supplement
- The Wisconsin Medigap Part D and Prescription Drug Helpline for People Age 60 and
Over (855-677-2783, )—a toll-free helpline run by the Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long-TermCare that provides answers to questions about:- Medicare Part D
- Other prescription drug coverage options
- The Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (262-347-3045)—benefit specialists who can help people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind understand and apply for benefits.
In person
- Benefit specialists can provide individual counseling and advocate on your behalf. They can also help with Medicare and other benefit questions. Find a benefit specialist using our "Find a Benefit Specialist" page.
- SHIP funds education and individual health benefits assistance for Medicare Tribal Nation members through Judicare Legal
Aid. (800-472-1638)
Reporting suspected Medicare fraud
If you suspect Medicare fraud, errors, or abuse, call the Wisconsin Senior Medicare
If you’re interested in learning more about the important role of volunteers, visit our page on volunteering with the SHIP Medicare counseling program.
More information
- See examples of ways SHIP counselors can help you.
- Watch SHIP’s short, educational videos to learn about Medicare options.
- Learn about Medicare plans for people with Medicaid.
- Read the SHIP fact sheet, P-00166 (PDF).
This project is funded, in whole or in part, by grant number 90SAPG0091 from the U. S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.